Change, growth and all the stuff in between!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mia, Elmos Girl

Amelia loves music an as her vocabulary grows so does her musical numbers. She can sign most of...Twinkle Twinkle, You Are My Sunshine, Rock A Bye Baby and her fave Elmo's World


  1. REALLY???? So stinkin' cute. I just love your girls!!

  2. Okay the girls are DARLING!!!!

    But I'm cracking up at the former chorus boy in the background! Here's my vision: You and I in a cabana in Cancun, Marc can sing to us while Johnny fans us with large palm branches...

    They owe us.

  3. Why is HE always signed in???? That was Cori, of course!

  4. Oh I know and my choir boy has passed that to our first born, they sing over each other all the time!
